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石灰岩常绿、落叶阔叶混交林是亚热带湿润气候的顶极群落。根据生态外貌和优势种,可分为两个主要类型八个植物群落。植物生活型谱表明,群落以高位芽植物为优势,占植物总种数的82.4%。植被的区系组成以亚热带植物种为主,其中属华南分布型的占21%,滇、黔、桂分布型的占7.3%,湘、桂特有分布占4.3%,华中和华东分布型分别为37%和25%。湖南新分布种14个。群落分乔木、灌木和草本三个层次,地被层植物虽然不多,但群落中的藤本植物丰富。经种群分析表明,采用幼树和播种造林,环境条件是适宜的。目前石灰岩森林面积不大,必须大力保护,石山裸露地方应当大力营造幼林。石灰岩地区有许多速生、珍贵树种,值得引种和推广。 Lime evergreen, deciduous broadleaved mixed forest is the climates of subtropical humid climate. According to the ecological appearance and dominant species, it can be divided into two main types of eight plant communities. Plant life forms show that the community with high position bud plants as the dominant, accounting for 82.4% of the total plant species. The fauna of the vegetation is mainly composed of subtropical plant species, of which 21% belong to the South China distribution, 7.3% are Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi, 4.3% are Hunan and Guangxi, and the distributions of Central and East China are 37% and 25%. Hunan new distribution of 14 species. Community trees, shrubs and herbs at three levels, although the ground cover plants are small, but the community rich in liana. The population analysis shows that the use of saplings and sowing afforestation, environmental conditions are appropriate. Currently limestone forest area is not large, must be vigorously protected, Rock Hill exposed areas should vigorously create young forest. Limestone area has many fast-growing, precious species, it is worth introduction and promotion.
目次一、《服务贸易总协定》(GATS)的多边投资协定属性初探二、我国服务业外资立法现状及存在的问题三、我国服务业外资立法的修改与完善初探四、余论 First, the "General