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口碑,是人类最原始的行销广告。在店铺、字号出现以前,它就现实地存在着。与广播电视、报刊杂志日益上涨的宣传费用相比,口碑传播的成本是最低的。所以被营销专家称之为“零号媒介”。最关键的是,从传播效果上看,由于口碑传播一般是通过消费者周围的群体来实现的,可信度很高。? Word of mouth, is the most primitive human marketing advertising. In the store, before the words appear, it exists in reality. And radio and television, newspapers and magazines the rising cost of publicity compared to the cost of word of mouth communication is the lowest. Therefore, marketing experts call it “zero medium.” The key is that, from the dissemination of results, due to the spread of word of mouth is generally achieved through the consumer groups around to achieve high credibility. ?
销售工作进展顺利与否,更多的取决于营销心态是否正确。克服消极的营销心态,建立积极的营销心态,今后的销售生涯才能少走弯路。    很多营销新人之所以在工作中遇到各种各样的困惑,最主要的原因在于,对自我没有一个清晰的定位和评价,对自己所从事的工作没有一个清晰的认知,最终影响自己的心态,所以才会被各种问题所困扰。营销人员的心态,从微观方面说,取决于平时遇到的各种问题对内心的影响;从宏观方面讲,取决于对自