
来源 :贵州民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:unian1981
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剖析了人民调解制度在阿坝藏族羌族自治州的现实运行情况,指出人民调解未能有效发挥作用的原因,宏观上是由于社会转型导致藏区社会发生了变化,微观上源于部分人民调解员的能力未完全发挥,进而提出新时期藏区基层纠纷解决中人民调解制度的发展路径。 Analyzes the actual operation of the people’s mediation system in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture and points out the reason why people’s mediation can not effectively play its role. On the macro perspective, the social transformation has led to the change of the society in Tibetan areas. Did not give full play, and then put forward the development path of the people’s mediation system in the grass-roots dispute resolution in Tibetan areas in the new period.
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