Trajectory-Based Data Forwarding Schemes for Vehicular Networks

来源 :ZTE Communications | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lmail
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This paper explains trajectory-based data forwarding schemes for multihop data delivery in vehicular networks where the trajectory isthe GPS navigation path for driving in a road network. Nowadays, GPS-based navigation is popular with drivers either for efficient driv-ing in unfamiliar road networks or for a better route, even in familiar road networks with heavy traffic. In this paper, we describe howto take advantage of vehicle trajectories in order to design data-forwarding schemes for information exchange in vehicular networks.The design of data-forwarding schemes takes into account not only the macro-scoped mobility of vehicular traffic statistics in road net-works, but also the micro-scoped mobility of individual vehicle trajectories. This paper addresses the importance of vehicle trajectoryin the design of multihop vehicle-to-infrastructure, infrastructure-to-vehicle, and vehicle-to-vehicle data forwarding schemes. First, weexplain the modeling of packet delivery delay and vehicle travel delay in both a road segment and an end-to-end path in a road net-work. Second, we describe a state-of-the-art data forwarding scheme using vehicular traffic statistics for the estimation of the end-to-end delivery delay as a forwarding metric. Last, we describe two data forwarding schemes based on both vehicle trajectory and vehicu-lar traffic statistics in a privacy-preserving manner. This paper incorporates trajectory-based data forwarding schemes for multihop data delivery in vehicular networks where the trajectory is the GPS navigation path for driving in a road network. Nowadays, GPS-based navigation is popular with drivers either for efficient driv-ing in unfamiliar road networks or for a better route, even in familiar road networks with heavy traffic. In this paper, we describe howto take advantage of vehicle trajectories in order to design data-forwarding schemes for information exchange in vehicular networks. The design of data-forwarding schemes takes into account not only the macro-scoped mobility of vehicular traffic statistics in road net-works, but also the micro-scoped mobility of individual vehicle trajectories. This paper addresses the importance of vehicle trajectoryin the design of multihop vehicle-to-infrastructure, infrastructure -to-vehicle, and vehicle-to-vehicle data forwarding schemes. First, weexplain the modeling of packet delivery delay and vehic le travel delay in both a road segment and an end-to-end path in a road net-work. Second, we describe a state-of-the-art data forwarding scheme using vehicular traffic statistics for the estimation of the end- to -end delivery delay as a forwarding metric. Last, we describe two data forwarding schemes based on both vehicle trajectory and vehicu-lar traffic statistics in a privacy-preserving manner.
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We examine the network performance of algorithms for self-organized traffic management. In particular, we focus on wireless network-ing between cars. One of man
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