春季角膜结膜炎的确切原因虽未确定,但很多证据提示是一种过敏性疾病。最恒定而有效的治疗是局部应用激素。 Easty等指出,激素不能成功地控制所有病人的病情。在慢性病中长期应用激素有可能出现并发症,包括青光眼、白内障、单纯疱疹性角膜炎等。有些作者报告用随机抽样、安慰剂作对照的双盲试验,滴用色甘酸钠(cromolyn sodium)治疗春季角膜结膜炎的结果,发现该药有效。作者报告11例典型的春季角膜结膜炎病人局部应用4%
Although the exact cause of spring keratoconjunctivitis has not been determined, many evidence suggests an allergic disease. The most constant and effective treatment is topical application of hormones. Easty et al noted that hormones can not successfully control the condition of all patients. Long-term use of hormones in chronic diseases may occur complications, including glaucoma, cataracts, herpes simplex keratitis and so on. Some authors report a double-blind randomized, placebo-controlled double-blind trial of cromolyn sodium for spring keratoconjunctivitis. The drug was found to be effective. The authors report 11 cases of typical spring keratoconjunctivitis patients with topical application of 4%