【摘 要】
大学里做什么?上了不理想的大学怎么办?怎样安排大学的学习、生活?我的青春出了麻烦如何是好?……你发誓:你不是问题少年,你只不过遭遇了“少年维特之烦恼”。审视今天的大学生活,直面现实人生,勇敢说出青春的忧虑,我们陪你共渡难关一起成长! 欢迎来信提出你或你的朋友在大学中遇到的问题与烦恼,亦欢迎过来人以自己的亲身经历支招。来稿请至 E-mail:
[email protected]
What do you do in a university? What do you want to do in an under-reputed university? How to arrange for university study and life? How can I be troubled by my youth?... You swear: You are not a problem teenager. You just met a teenager. Wright’s troubles." Examine the life of today’s university, face up to real life, and bravely express youthful concerns. We accompany you to overcome difficulties and grow up together! Welcome letters to ask questions and troubles that you or your friends have encountered at the university, and welcome people to come to you personally. Experienced tricks. For contributions please go to E-mail:
[email protected]
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