
来源 :森林病虫通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yxh0710
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橙斑白条天牛(Batoccra davidis Deyrolle)是为害油桐的主要害虫之一,国内各油桐产区均有分布。幼虫钻蛀树干,轻者导致树势衰弱,产量下降,重者全株枯死。成虫补充营养时取食嫩枝、幼果,造成枯梢、断梢和落果。我县1981年为害面积达六万亩,占全县油桐总面积的2/3。1982年地、县有关部门在卵洞公社调查,该社约有111589株油桐受天牛为害,占全社油桐总株数的10%,死亡株占1—2.60%,仅这一年因天牛致死约三万株,损失桐油近二万斤。全县因土壤、气候、地形、海拔及栽培品种的不同,该虫发生的情况也不尽一致,笔者于1981—1982年对它的发生与环境因子的关系作了调查,现叙述如下: Batoccra davidis Deyrolle is one of the major pests to tilapia, and all of the Tung oil producing areas in China are distributed. Drilling larvae Drilling the trunk, the light led to the weakness of the tree, the decline in production, heavy whole plant died. Adult feeding young shoots, young fruit, resulting in shoots, broken shoots and fruit drop. In 1981, the county harmed an area of ​​60,000 mu, accounting for 2/3 of the total area of ​​Tung oil in the county. In 1982, relevant departments of the county investigated in the egg cave commune and there were about 111589 tung oil trees harmed by the Beetle, accounting for The whole community tung tree total number of 10%, the death of strains accounted for 1-2.60%, only this year due to the death of about 30,000 Tian cattle, the loss of nearly twenty thousand pounds of tung oil. The county due to soil, climate, topography, elevation and cultivars of different, the occurrence of the insects are not the same, the author in 1981-1982 its occurrence and environmental factors were investigated, are described below:
一年一度的军械库艺术博览会(The Armory Show)于上周末在纽约落幕,北京空间站和它们的参展艺术家双飞艺术中心在艺博会上大放异彩。军械库艺术博览会在美国艺术史上有着崇高
凤尾菇(Pleurotus Sajor-Caju(Er)Sin-get)属担子菌纲、伞菌目、口蘑科、侧耳属的一种食用菌,系平菇的近缘种,因其形状象凤尾而得名。1980年我国从澳大利亚引进。在我省各市
侧柏毒蛾Parocneria furra(Leech)属鱗翅目,毒蛾科,柏毒蛾属。据资料记载,该虫在我国分布于河北、江苏、浙江、四川、湖南、湖北、山东、河南、青海、广西等省。主要为害侧
白杨透翅蛾Paranthrene tabaniformisRott是杨树的重要钻蛀性害虫,以幼虫在枝干木质部和韧皮部之间环绕蛀食,致使被害处组织增生,形成瘤状虫瘿,易遭风折,对幼树危害甚大。由