北京时间5月3日至5日,巴菲特股东大会在美国小镇奥马哈举行。来自全世界各地的4万名伯克希尔·哈撒韦股东以及上百名媒体记者云集于Century link中心体育馆。大家冒着风雨,前来聆听股神的教诲。本刊特别整理针对中国投资、子女教育以及抄底黄金的三
May 3 to May 5 Beijing time, Buffett shareholders’ meeting was held in the small town of Omaha. More than 40,000 Berkshire Hathaway shareholders and hundreds of journalists from around the world gathered at the Century Link Center. Everyone braved the wind and rain, came to listen to the gods teachings. This issue special finishing for investment in China, children’s education and gold bargain-hunting third