目的 :探讨MEBO对糖尿病足的治疗效果.方法 :凡确诊糖尿病足 ,对急性感染者行切开引流.MEBO纱布换药.同时采用降血糖、抗感染药物的应用.对已形成慢性溃疡者 ,仅用MEBO纱布换药疗效甚佳 ,直至痊愈.应用MEBO治疗过程中务必保持创面湿润干净 ,不得干燥.结果 :1 3例糖尿病足全部治疗痊愈 ,除 1例因溃疡发生在 足庶底部且溃疡较大 ,经MEBO治疗创面肉芽新鲜后行整张全厚自体皮移植治愈外 ,其余均自行封闭创面愈合.结论 :MEBO治疗糖尿病足引流通畅 ,感染控制快.只要创面保持湿润洁净 ,即是慢性溃疡 ,也可在MEBO治疗作用下顺利愈合.该治疗方法明显优于其它任何方法.“,”Objective: To investigate the efficacy of MEBO in treating diabetic foot. Method: For those diagnosed to be diabetic foot, when acute infection occurred, incision and drainage were needed. MEBO gauze was applied in association with hypoglycemic and anti-infective drugs; when chronic ulceration occurred, MEBO gauze was applied until wounds healed. The wounds should be kept moist and clean. Result: All of the 13 cases were cured and healed spontaneously, one case with large ulcer in the sole of the foot received full thickness auto-grafting. Conclusion: MEBO for treating diabetic foot had good drainage and quick control of infections. As long as the wounds were kept moist and clean, the wounds, even with chronic ulcers, can be healed smoothly. [