OBJECTIVE: To establish a method for the isolation, culture and identification of mononuclear / macrophage (Mφ) in different parts of rabbit and study its morphological, growth characteristics and physiological functions in vitro. Methods: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (Mo) were isolated from six healthy New Zealand rabbits by Fi-coll-Hypaque density gradient centrifugation. The alveolar macrophages (AM) and peritoneal macrophages (PM) Digestion method + Percoll density gradient method to isolate liver Kupffer cells (KC). Morphology and microstructure were observed under light and transmission electron microscopy. The phagocytosis and phenotypes were determined by ink phagocytosis and immunocytochemistry respectively. Results: The adherent cells derived from the same individual had morphological features and immunophenotypes of monocytes / macrophages with strong phagocytic ability and showed some differences. Ink phagocytosis: AM> PM, KC> Mo, MAC387 expression: KC> AM> PM> Mo. Conclusion: The function and phenotype of rabbit monocytes / macrophages in different parts of the same individual are heterogeneous.