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汽车运输从发生业务到结清运算的过程中,原来各自本着需要,制定了不少表格,初步搜集属于长途运输用的有13种,市区运输的有9种,重复繁杂,使许多人力都陷在反复填表的事务中。总路线的光辉,照亮了运调工作同志的前途——大搞革新,跳出表报圈子——在党委书记和局长的亲自领导下,按照多、快、好、省的方针,苦战两昼夜和多次激烈辩论,大胆设想出用三种简单的单证(保留行车路单和市区调度运行单)代替以往的22种,通过现场表演,证实新单证可以减少十几道工序,提高工效一倍以上。在作业过程中少打算盘、少填表,容易为人人掌握,特别是单车托运,基本上可以达到一单顶到底的目的。现将新单证使用方法说明如下: In the course of carrying out the business from operation to settlement, the original forms have been formulated according to the needs. There are 13 types of vehicles for long-distance transportation and 9 kinds of transportation for urban areas. The repetition and complexity make many people Are trapped in the repeated filling in the affairs. The brilliance of the general line has illuminated the future of comrades in the work of regulation and control. They have made every effort to innovate and jump out of the circle of reporting forms. Under the leadership of party secretaries and directors, they have worked hard for two days and nights in accordance with the principle of more, faster, better and more provincial Repeatedly heated debates, he boldly envisaged the use of three simple documents (to retain the driving list and urban dispatching orders) instead of the previous 22, through live performances, confirmed that the new documents can reduce a dozen procedures to improve ergonomics More than doubled In the course of operations less intend to disk, less filling table, easy to grasp for everyone, especially the bicycle checked, basically can achieve a single purpose in the end. Now the use of new documents are described below:
2012年12月13日晚,北京大学百年纪念讲堂座无虚席,哈佛大学首位公开课讲授者、美国著名哲学家迈克尔·桑德尔(Michael Sandel)教授应北京论坛之邀走进北大,带来题为“金钱不
2003年底,竹刻家张伟忠先生特邀我写一篇关于介绍浅刻的文章。因我不善文辞,推辞再三,但伟忠说:“现今只有你在专门从事浅刻的创作,你谈一点自己的心得和看法还是很合适的。”考虑再三,勉强从命,涂鸦如下。  据我了解,至2003年底,江南尚健在的以浅刻为主的老一代竹刻名家只有二三位,且都已进入耄耋之年。他们是沈觉初、周玉菁、李卓云。沈觉初年轻时拜同邑画家吴待秋为师,后以治印刻竹为生。解放前后进上海一煤