高管团队内配备管理会计人才才有能力应用已有的信息和搜索需要的信息为公有或私有部门服务。中国正在进行会计制度改革,加强管理会计指引体系建设是题中之意,符合中国当前经济和社会发展需求。在政府推动的这场会计变革的浪潮中,CFO应及时转变思维,把握机遇,既能推进会计改革进程,也能促进自身职业发展。ACCA(特许公认会计师公会)前任会长唐满庭(Martin Turner)先生曾在英国国民医疗服务体系(NHS)担任行政长官20余年,此后担任澳大利亚阿德莱德市医疗服务部门行政长官数年,目前担任英国等多个国家的医疗
The senior management team is equipped with management accounting talent to have the ability to apply existing information and search the information needed to serve the public or private sector. China is in the process of reforming its accounting system and strengthening the construction of a management accounting system is in line with the current economic and social development in China. In the wave of government-driven accounting reform, CFOs should promptly change their thinking and seize opportunities to both promote accounting reform and promote their career development. For more than 20 years as Chief Executive of the National Health Service System (NHS) in the United Kingdom for more than 20 years, the former president of the ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) served as Chief Executive of the Medical Services Unit in Adelaide, Australia for several years and currently serves as Britain and other countries in the medical