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“十·一”黄金周前得便去武汉,在武昌司门口几家书店盘桓不去,杂乱翻书。无意间读到山西作家韩石山先生一本随笔集,其中有一篇专写史料搜集家陈子善先生(我不知道是否可以这样称呼他),谈到陈先生发掘了那么多史料,又谈到,好些资料他只是公布出来就完了,似乎有点吃亏。不由得想起《文汇读书周报》上所说的,在现有研究机构以课题为本,发表论文为要务的考核体系之下,挖掘史料着实是件吃力不讨好的事情人人都知道史料的重要,可能够潜心研究收集整理的实在乏善可陈,专攻史料似乎风险太大。史料使人进步。没有过硬史料支撑的历史研究,是泥足巨人,轻轻一戳,就要出问题。对于史料,别人不说,学者应当说,表示自己的敬意,因为他们是史料最主要的“消费者”和受益者,了解史料的作用与价值。韩石山先生自己,曾 “十一 一” Golden Week had to go to Wuhan, in Wuchang Secretary gate several bookstore linger, messy open the book. Inadvertently read a collection of essays by Mr. Han Shishan, a Shanxi writer, including an autobiographical essayist, Mr. Chen Zishan (I do not know if he could call him this way). When talking about how many historical materials were uncovered by Mr. Chen, He just finished publishing the data, it seems a bit disadvantage. Can not help but think of “Wen Wei Book Weekly,” said that in the existing research institutions to project-based, published papers as the most important assessment system, mining the historical facts is a thankless thing everyone knows the importance of historical data , May be able to devote themselves to research collecting and finishing really poor, specializing in historical data seems too risky. Historical material makes progress. Historical research without strong historical support is mud giant, a stamp, it is necessary to go wrong. As for the historical materials, others do not say that scholars should say that they value their respect as they are the most important consumers and beneficiaries of historical data and their understanding of the role and value of historical materials. Mr. Han Shan, myself
张学良与童芷苓,一个是蜚声海外的政治伟人,一个是著名的京剧表演艺术家。当两个闪亮的名字撞击到一起时,便演绎出了一段曲折动人的“戏外戏”…… Zhang Xueliang and Tong
天气渐渐变暖,我国手足口病进入了流行期。手足口病是一种常见多发传染病,以儿童为主要发病对象,常在婴幼儿集聚的场所发生。多种肠道病毒都能引起, The weather is getting
清朝尊崇理学,以朱熹为宗。这一点跟制度一样,也是清承明制,不过,从白山黑水那地方下来的满人,学什么都很较真。明人尊崇理学,而理学仅仅成了科举考试的标准答案,考罢便成为束之高阁的高头讲章。皇帝后宫,动辄万人,最荒唐者如武宗,还私自外出猎艳,上行下效,官员们自然加倍演绎声色生涯,狎妓纵酒,无所不为。理学也因此进化为心学,《金瓶梅》和《肉蒲团》这样的货色,刚好可以成为心学的另类经典。  可是,清朝不这样
Tetra-Schiff base macrocyclic compound containing benzo-12-crown-4 was synthesized via condensation of 2, 6-diformyl-4-methyl-phenol with 4, 5- diaminobenzo-12C