概述《英美编目条例》的修订发展历程;分析国际上编目工作的最新进展及理论研究成果;深入探讨正在制定过程中的书目描述与检索的最新内容标准《英美编目条例》第3版——《资源描述与检索》(AACR3:Resource Description and Access,RDA)的制订背景、内容特点、结构特色及将对国际编目事业产生的影响。
Summarizes the revised development history of the Anglo-American Cataloging Regulations; analyzes the latest progress in international cataloging work and theoretical research; discusses in depth the latest contents of the bibliographic description and retrieval under development Standard Version 3 of the Anglo-American Cataloging Regulations - AACR3: Resource Description and Access (RDA) background, content features, structural features and the impact it will have on international cataloging.