Testicular carcinoma in situ is abnormal in germ cells with a highly precancerous, precancerous lesion. Skakkebaek first reported in 1972 that in situ cancer was detected in two cases of infertility patients with testicular biopsy (hereinafter referred to as testicular biopsy). Since then, it has been reported that in situ cancer is detected in the testicular biopsy of patients with infertility or cryptorchidism, which has attracted everyone’s attention. This article reviews recent advances in the literature on testicular carcinoma in situ and strives to make everyone aware of the characteristics and treatment of testicular carcinoma in situ. The histological characteristics of testicular carcinoma in situ In normal conditions, there is only one kind of germ cell in the seminiferous tubule other than podocyte, while the testicular carcinoma in situ is seen under light microscope and electron microscope.