Multiple papilloma is the most common benign tumor in the throat of children, but only 3 to 4 new patients are seen each year, even in larger children’s hospitals. Therefore, there is not much information reported from all over. These benign warts, like the papillomas that grow on the skin, the digestive tract and the genital tract, have a tendency to spread locally; although they are completely resected, they also tend to relapse, and eventually they contract and disappear. In 1923, Ullman established the theory of viral origin by injecting a laryngectomized papilloma tissue into his forearm and a group of flat warts after 90 days; then, cell-free extracts were seeded on the arm and the result was the same. After the same incubation period Emerging from verrucous neoplasms, light microscopy can see inclusions in the keratinized surface of the papilloma and electron microscopy can confirm the presence of the virus particles there. Viroid-like particles can sometimes be seen in genital warts and genital warts, but in papilloma of the larynx it is extremely difficult to see. virus