
来源 :国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhq198709
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多发性乳头状瘤是儿童喉部最常见的良性肿瘤,但即使在较大的儿童医院每年也只见到3~4例新病人。因此,来自各处报导的资料仍不多。这些良性疣状物,象生长在皮肤上的、消化道和生殖道的乳头状瘤一样,具有局部扩散倾向;虽经完全切除,也易复发,最后却又退缩和自行消失。1923年,Ullman确立病毒起源学说,他将喉部切除的乳头状瘤组织注入自己前臂,90天后出现一群扁平疣;然后,将无细胞的浸出物接种臂部,结果情况相同,经同样潜伏期后出现疣状新生物,光镜可在乳头状瘤角化表层中见到包涵体,电镜检查则可在该处肯定病毒颗粒的存在。有时可在尖锐湿疣和生殖道湿疣中见到类似病毒颗粒,但在喉部乳头状瘤则极难见到。病毒 Multiple papilloma is the most common benign tumor in the throat of children, but only 3 to 4 new patients are seen each year, even in larger children’s hospitals. Therefore, there is not much information reported from all over. These benign warts, like the papillomas that grow on the skin, the digestive tract and the genital tract, have a tendency to spread locally; although they are completely resected, they also tend to relapse, and eventually they contract and disappear. In 1923, Ullman established the theory of viral origin by injecting a laryngectomized papilloma tissue into his forearm and a group of flat warts after 90 days; then, cell-free extracts were seeded on the arm and the result was the same. After the same incubation period Emerging from verrucous neoplasms, light microscopy can see inclusions in the keratinized surface of the papilloma and electron microscopy can confirm the presence of the virus particles there. Viroid-like particles can sometimes be seen in genital warts and genital warts, but in papilloma of the larynx it is extremely difficult to see. virus
在防治华支睾吸虫病工作中,我们曾见与服用六氯对二甲苯有关的华支睾吸虫病合并嗜酸粒细胞肺部浸润一例,现整理报告如下。 In the work of prevention and treatment of cl
国家副主席胡锦涛 2000年 11月 11日至 16日,在上海市就贯彻十五届五中全会精神、加强新形势下党的建设进行了调查研究。   胡锦涛说,科学技术越来越成为推动经济发展的决定
蚌埠市是丝虫病流行地区。多年来在使用益群生裸片进行普治过程中发现副反应严重给病人增加痛苦,并影响其疗效,为此市丝虫防治小组把传统使用的50毫克裸片改革 Bengbu City