电影《平原游击队》中智勇双全、坚强威武的李向阳, 《剑吼长城东》中令日寇闻风丧胆、威震关内外的鲍真,其生动鲜活的形象在中国几乎妇孺皆知,但又有几人知晓,这两位英雄源于同一人——被誉为“中国的夏伯阳”的抗日名将、冀东军分区副司令员兼冀东八路军13团团长包森。包森,1911年7月21日出生于陕西省蒲城县一个农民家庭,原名赵宝森、又名赵寒、小名亥娃。1932年2月加入中国共产党,1933年秋被国民党政府逮捕入狱,西安事变后获释,到西北军工作。抗日战争爆发后,党派他到延安抗大学
In the movie “Plain Guerrillas,” both the brave and brave Li Xiangyang and the “Jianhou Great Wall East” made the Japanese invaded. Bao Zhen, both inside and outside Meiguan, vividly and vividly known in China, Several people knew that these two heroes originated from the same person - the anti-Japanese star known as “Xia Banyang of China”, and the deputy commander of the Jidong Army Division and head of the 13th delegation of the Jidong Eighth Route Army Baotou. Bao Sen, July 21, 1911 Born in Pucheng County, Shaanxi Province, a peasant family, formerly known as Zhao Baosen, also known as Zhao Han, akaew baby. He joined the Chinese Communist Party in February 1932, was arrested and imprisoned by the Kuomintang government in the autumn of 1933, was released after the Xi’an Incident and went to work in the Northwest Army. After the Anti-Japanese War broke out, the party sent him to Yan’an University