The media recently paid a lot of attention to the detachment of the Tilanqiao jail and reported extensively on the history of the prison and the characters who had been imprisoned. I worked for the Shanghai Prison Administration Office in Tilanqiao Prison and in the same compound for nearly 40 years. Here, I briefly give a brief account of the situation of the former women’s supervisors in Tilanqiao prison. Historical evolution Opened in May 1903 Tilanqiao prison, initially only admitted male offender. From January 4, 1905 began to hold female offenders, the cumulative custody of 302 women. The female cell is located in the 3-storey prison “E” prison. The building to sit north, each 12 shelters, a total of 36. 1906 Tilanqiao prison to stop receiving women in the same year on November 3, the last woman was sentenced to extortion