1995年起 ,我省分别在性病 (STD)门诊就诊者及暗娼 (CSW )两类人群中设立HIV哨点监测点。至 1999年 ,STD哨点共监测 3396人 ,其中男性占 6 4.1% ,女性占 35 .9% ,年龄以 2 5— 2 9岁所占比例最高 ,性病病种中淋病所占比例最大 ,尖锐湿疣及非淋菌性尿道炎所占比例呈逐年增加 ,1999年发现 1例HIV感染者 ;CSW哨点共监测 2 2 0 3人 ,年龄分布以 2 0— 2 4岁所占比例最高 ,为 36 .5 %。 0 .2 %的暗娼性伴中有境外人员。性活动中从未使用过避孕套者占 85 .9% ,每次均使用避孕套者占 1.3% ,五年监测在该人群中共发现HIV感染者 3人 ,其中 1996— 1998年各检出 1例HIV感染者。监测结果提示HIV已传入这两类高危人群 ,同时提示在我省性乱人群中潜伏着HIV传播和流行的危险性
Since 1995, our province has set up an HIV sentinel surveillance point in two categories of STD clinics and female sex workers (CSW) respectively. By 1999, a total of 3,996 STD sentinels were monitored, of whom 6 4.1% were men and 35.9% were women, with the highest proportion of those aged 25-29 years. The proportion of gonorrhea among STDs was the largest and sharp The proportion of genital warts and non-gonococcal urethritis increased year by year. One case of HIV-infected persons was found in 1999. A total of 2230 CSW sentinels were detected. The distribution of age was 20 to 24 years old with the highest proportion of 36 .5%. 0.2% of FSW partners have overseas staff. Condom use was never used in 85.9% of sexual activities and condoms were used at 1.3% each time. In the five-year surveillance, a total of 3 HIV-infected persons were found in this population, of which 1 was detected in 1996-1998 Cases of HIV infection. Monitoring results suggest that HIV has been introduced into these two types of high-risk groups, at the same time suggesting that sexual promiscuity in our province latent HIV transmission and the risk of epidemics