戊型肝炎病毒(hepatitis E virus,HEV)是发展中国家引起急性病毒肝炎的主要病原体。哺乳类动物的HEV有4个主要基因型,1型和2型只感染人,通过污染的水源引起暴发流行;3型和4型属于人畜共患病原体,常引起散发病例。近年来,基因3型引起的戊型肝炎(戊肝)慢性化现象受到了学者的广泛关注,特别是人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)感染者重叠HEV感染是否较易引发戊肝慢性化,世界各地有许多相关研究,但结果不尽相同。因此,为进一步阐明HIV感染与HEV感染及转归的相关性,本文拟对近年来HIV感染群体的HEV流行情况、重叠HEV感染的相关风险因素与HIV感染者中戊肝慢性化特点进行综述。
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a major causative agent of acute viral hepatitis in developing countries. HEV mammals have four major genotypes, type 1 and type 2 only infected people, caused by the outbreak of contaminated water epidemic; 3 and 4 are zoonotic pathogens, often causing sporadic cases. In recent years, genotype 3 caused by chronic hepatitis E (hepatitis E) phenomenon has attracted the attention of scholars, especially the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection overlap HEV infection is more likely to cause chronic hepatitis E There are many related studies around the world, but the results are not the same. Therefore, in order to further clarify the correlation between HIV infection and HEV infection and prognosis, this paper reviews the prevalence of HEV in HIV infected population in recent years, the risk factors associated with overlapping HEV infection and the characteristics of chronic hepatitis E infection in HIV-infected individuals.