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火,在我国自古以来就被奉为神明之源.远古时期,由于劳动力的低下,人类的祖先们还没有改造自然的能力,他们把因雷电袭击原始森林而引起的火灾,视为“神之物”顶礼膜拜,以致至今有许多民族还保留对火神爷的崇拜仪式.如果发生了火灾,人们便把它归为火神显灵发威所造成.在北方的鄂温克族、鄂伦春族,由于地处寒冷地带,对火神更为敬重,把它描绘成蓬发垢脸的老太,谁要得罪了她,谁的家庭就失去火种,就要受寒冷的惩罚,直到被冻死为止.鄂温克人认为火的起源来自于神,每户的火种就是他们的祖先.各家各户必须谨慎地保存好火种,即使搬迁时也要随身把火种带到新居.否则火种一灭就预示着这一家要断子绝孙,被看作是不吉利.江浙等地至今还保留乔迁新居时用煤炉带火种到新屋(城市亦然)的习俗.汉族在民间祭祀时或者红白喜事,要点着长明灯或长燃蜡烛,这与原始社会不断火种的习俗有关联.鄂温克人每年秋季一到,就要搞祭火活动,家庭主妇担任主祭.祈求火神饶恕自己在过去的一年由于自己不慎所犯下的罪孽或者因为疏忽大意造成失礼之处.祭火仪式 Since ancient times, fire has been regarded as the source of the gods.In ancient times, due to the low labor force, the ancestors of mankind have not yet had the ability to transform nature. They regard the fire caused by thunder and lightning attacks on primitive forests as " So many people have so far kept the ceremony of worship of God of Fire. If a fire broke out, they were classified as being caused by the appearance of the god Vulcan. In the northern region, the people of Ewenki and Oroqen, Cold area, more respect for the Vulcan, portrayed it as a scruffy woman, who to offend her, who lost the family’s fire, it will be cold punishment until it is frozen to death. Think of the origins of fire as being from God, and the fire of every household is their ancestors. All households must keep their fire carefully, even if they have to relocate the fire to their new homes. Broken off children, was seen as unlucky.Jiangsu Zhejiang and other places still retain the new home when the move with the coal stove with fire to the new house (city also) custom.Hu people in the folk rituals or red and white wedding, to point the long light or long burning candles, And the constant burning of the original society of customs related to the Ewenki every autumn falls, it is necessary to engage in sacrificial activities, housewives as a priest, pray for the Vulcan to forgive his past year because of his inadvertently committed sin or because Negligence causes rudeness
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