《鲍里斯·戈杜诺夫》是普希金的戏剧名作,在某种程度上也是俄国现实主义戏剧的奠基之作。国内已对它进行了一些探析,但多集中于内容的进步性和形式上以莎士比亚为师、突破古典主义“三一律”,而很少对其艺术手法作具体深入的剖析。 细读剧作,我们发现,该剧在揭示人性深度与历史真实方面达到了相当的高度,而这主要得力于对比手法的大量而出
“Boris Godunov,” Pushkin’s masterpiece of theater, is to some extent the foundation stone of Russian realistic drama. It has done some research in China, but it focuses more on the progressiveness and formality of content. As a teacher, Shakespeare breaks through the “Trinity Law” of the classicism, and seldom analyzes the artistic techniques in detail. If we read the drama carefully, we find that the drama has reached a considerable height in revealing the depth of humanity and the true history of the drama, and this mainly results from the mass production of comparative techniques