患者女,41岁,右眼视力下降3个月,曾在一年前因舌体多发小结节行手术活检,病理诊断为猪囊虫病。1995年12月20日右眼超声检查:采用日本 ALOKA SSD—650型超声实时显像仪。探头频率为5.0MHz。应用直接探查法,患者取仰卧位,轻轻闭上眼睑,将耦合剂均匀涂于右眼上,然后旋转探头,行多切面,多方位扫查。寻找最佳图像,冻结,摄片,如图。超声所见:于右眼球近中央颞侧处视网膜下,可见一大小为0.5cm×0.4cm 的椭圆形的囊性肿物,向玻璃体内凸出。囊壁薄而光滑,内部呈液性回声。在囊内可见一圆形强回声光团,此为囊尾幼的关节回声。囊肿不随眼球运动而活动。囊内可见囊虫虫体强回声反射,且有活动。超声诊断:右眼视网膜下囊虫病。视网膜隆起性脱离。讨论眼囊虫病可发生于眼的任何部位,如玻璃体内,视网膜下,眼球肌肉内及结膜下等。发生在网膜下较少见。眼囊虫病可引起许多严重的并发症;视网膜脱离、白内障、青光眼、玻璃体机化、眼球萎缩等。早期,准确的诊断,及时治疗可避免以及减少并发症。当今应用 B 超显象实时扫描,可准确判断囊虫的位置、形态、大小及囊虫引起的合并症。为临床诊断及治疗提供可靠的依据。(1996—05—16收稿)
Female patient, 41 years old, right eye vision decreased 3 months, a year ago due to multiple small nodules tongue operation biopsy, pathological diagnosis of swine cysticercosis. December 20, 1995 Right eye ultrasound: Japan’s ALOKA SSD-650 ultrasound real-time imaging. Probe frequency is 5.0MHz. Application of direct exploration method, the patient supine position, gently close the eyelids, the coupling agent evenly applied to the right eye, and then rotate the probe, the line multi-section, multi-directional scanning. Find the best image, freeze, shoot, as shown. Ultrasound seen: in the right eye near the central temporal retina, showing a size of 0.5cm × 0.4cm oval cystic mass, protruding to the vitreous. Thin and smooth capsule wall, the internal liquid echo. In the cysts can be seen a round of strong echo light group, this is the cystic tail young joint echo. Cyst does not move with the eye movement. Capsule cystic worm body can be seen strong echo reflex, and activities. Ultrasound diagnosis: Right eye subretinal cysticercosis. Retinal detachment. Discussion Ocular cysticercosis can occur in any part of the eye, such as the vitreous, subretinal, intraocular and subconjunctival and so on. Occurs in the subretinal less common. Cysticercosis can cause many serious complications; retinal detachment, cataract, glaucoma, vitreous organ, eyeball shrinkage and so on. Early, accurate diagnosis, timely treatment can avoid and reduce complications. Nowadays the application of B-scan real-time scanning, can accurately determine the location of the cysticercosis, morphology, size and cysticercosis caused by complications. Provide a reliable basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment. (Received 1996-05-16)