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实践反复证明:浅鞭根性、横向穿透地表层、常绿速生的毛竹与泡桐混交造林实为适宜。因为泡桐根系在60~220厘米土层中,而毛竹的鞭根系多在10~40厘米的土层中,两者根系吸收水分养料区域能自然错开位置。毛竹与泡桐混交造林后,泡桐能吸收毛竹无法吸收的深层养料和水分;泡桐叶大而多,冠幅高厚而蒸腾量大,从而将大量水分散发林内空中,增加空气湿度和稳定气温,为毛竹生长提供了所需的水分。据测定:泡桐叶肥效高于豆科树木,含全氮3.4×10(-2)、全钾0.4×10(-2)、全磷0.19×10(-2);其大量叶返回地面化为大量有机质肥,大大促进了毛竹的速生丰产。而毛竹鞭根横向地下穿透力强,疏松了表土层,加速了微生物活动,促进分解有机质;且竹、桐的叶落下后又能保土保湿,不但防止了地表冲刷,又可提高土壤肥力,且也促进了泡桐在地上空间和地下空间的深广度生长;达到两者互相促进,单位面积生物量的大大增长;生态和经济效益及毛竹造林成活率大大超过纯林;而且竹鞭很盘结,泡桐冠幅浓厚,抗风强。经过试验鉴定证明:泡桐可引诱红 Practice has repeatedly proved: shallow whip, transverse penetration of the surface layer, evergreen rapid growth of mixed bamboo and Paulownia afforestation is appropriate. Because Paulownia root in 60 ~ 220 cm soil layer, while the bamboo whip root system mostly in the 10 ~ 40 cm soil layer, the two root absorption water area can be naturally staggered. Paulownia and paulownia mixed afforestation, paulownia can absorb bamboo can not absorb the deep nourishment and moisture; paulownia leaves large and more, crown thick and transpiration, so that a large amount of water distributed forest air, increase air humidity and stable temperature for Bamboo growth provides the required moisture. It was determined that the leaf fertilizer efficiency of paulownia was higher than that of leguminous trees, with total nitrogen of 3.4 × 10 (-2), total potassium of 0.4 × 10 (-2) and total phosphorus of 0.19 × 10 (-2) A large number of organic fertilizer, greatly promoted the quick-yielding bamboo yield. However, the rhizome of Phyllostachys pubescens had strong transversal underground penetration, loosened the topsoil, accelerated the microbial activity and promoted the decomposition of organic matter. After the leaves of bamboo and tung tree fell, they could retain soil moisture, which not only prevented surface erosion but also increased soil fertility , But also promote the Paulownia in the deep space aboveground and underground space growth; to achieve mutual promotion of the two, a substantial increase in biomass per unit area; ecological and economic benefits and bamboo forest survival rate greatly exceeded the pure forest; Paulownia crown thick, strong wind. After the test proved that: Paulownia can attract red
王梅,曾用名周雅芳,女,19岁,现为广西柳州铁路局有线电视台节目主持人,气质清秀典雅,适合扮演天真、纯洁的少女、学生及农村姑娘等形象。 Wang Mei, once named Zhou Ya-fa
杨红兵也是妈妈,和7岁的儿子一天一个电话。儿子的电话从不嫌长,说完了还问:“不想多聊几句?”孩子毕竟年龄小,“实事求是”:“没话。” 关上手机,杨红兵对儿子百般牵挂:“
浅析了自然语言理解的语言信息处理技术,介绍了它的发展史,指出了基于语料库的自然语言理解方法是一个重要的研究方向 It analyzes the language information processing tech
“我对那些撒谎的人感到愤怒,这就像声称本·拉登已经死了一样,根本就是谎言!” ——法网公开赛第二轮,法国选手库特洛负于11号种子费雷罗,赛后,他对费雷罗声称受伤的真实性
柴菲,收藏史20年,网龄10余年,艺超网超级版主。无论是在网络上,还是收藏圈内,柴菲都是一个响亮的名字。在耀州瓷的收藏上,柴菲的眼力更是令人艳羡。 Chai Fei, collection h