应用“西瓜去籽灵”药液及其技术,只要在西瓜花期用药液点花,即可结出果大、味甜又无籽的西瓜。具体技术环节如下:1 应选用中小型普通西瓜品种应用此技术。大瓜型西瓜品种不宜使用此药剂,实践证明其在大瓜型上使用效果不明显。2 处理雌花时,去籽灵原药液应稀释7~8倍。应在雌花开放当天早晨先用锋利的小刀片将黄色雌花里面的柱头即花蕊切除,以免发生自然授粉而产生少籽瓜。然后立即用毛笔将去籽灵稀释均匀涂布在小瓜胎四周,而不是花朵和果柄。一定要涂抹均匀周到。只涂抹单面会导致畸形瓜或小瓜。
Application of “watermelon to seedling spirit” liquid and its technology, as long as the watermelon flower with the liquid point, you can bear fruit, sweet and seedless watermelon. Specific technical aspects are as follows: 1 should be used in small and medium-sized ordinary watermelon varieties of this technology. Large melon-type watermelon varieties should not use this agent, the practice proved that the use of large melon type effect is not obvious. 2 treatment of female flowers, the seed to the original spirit should be diluted 7 to 8 times. Should be the first day of female flowers open with a sharp blade first stigma of the yellow female flowers inside the stamen resection, so as to avoid the occurrence of natural pollination and produce a small seedless melon. And then immediately with a brush to the seed dilute evenly coated in a small melon around, rather than flowers and stalks. Be sure to apply even and thoughtful. Applying only one side will lead to abnormal melon or small melon.