Evaluation of optical propagation and radiation in optical waveguide using a numerical method

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woyao515151
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We introduce a mathematical model based on a concept of intrinsic mode in order to analyse and synthesise optical wave propagation and radiation occurring in a non-uniform optical waveguide used in integrated optics as optical coupler. The model is based on numerical evaluation of electromagnetic wave by applying an intrinsic field integral to evaluate the field behaviour inside the optical waveguide. To analyse the field distribution inside the non-uniform waveguide and predict the beam propagation of optical energy involved in the propagation process, it is necessary to track the motion of any observation point along the tapered waveguide itself. Physically, the rays of the spectrum undergo reflections on the waveguide boundaries until the cut-off occurs and the phenomena of radiation begin. The numerical results show good agreement with those obtained by classical methods of evaluation used by other works. We introduce a mathematical model based on a concept of intrinsic mode in order to analyze and synthesise optical wave propagation and radiation occurring in a non-uniform optical waveguide used in integrated optics as optical coupler. The model is based on numerical evaluation of electromagnetic wave by applying an intrinsic field integral to evaluate the field behavior inside the optical waveguide. To analyze the field distribution inside the non-uniform waveguide and predict the beam propagation of optical energy involved in the propagation process, it is necessary to track the motion of any observation point along the tapered waveguide itself. Physically, the rays of the spectrum undergo reflections on the waveguide boundaries until the cut-off occurs and the phenomena of radiation begin. The numerical results show good agreement with those obtained by classical methods of evaluation used by other works.
在对影响二语习得因素的研究中,学者们既关注外部环境的普遍规律,也重视学习者个体的特点,其中对动机因素的研究占据着重要地位。学者们探讨了动机产生的原因、激发并维持动机的策略以及动机消退的原因。本文即立足于国内外的动机因素理论,结合目前的虚拟现实技术(VR)对如何激发学习者动机提出建议。  我国对把汉语作为第二语言习得的研究起步较晚,学者们公认把鲁健骥于1984年发表的《中介语理论与外国人学习汉语的语
摘 要 随着全球“汉语热”不断升温,对外汉语教师队伍不断扩大,作为一名合格的对外汉语教师,应从政治素养、专业水平等多方面积极努力,并提高教学水平和科研能力,将汉语的工具性与人文性融为一体,更好地向世界传播汉语知识和的文化知识,为我国文化、民族和经济事业的发展作出贡献。  【关键词】对外汉语教师;基本素质;综合能力  近年来,中国良好的政治环境和经济实力使汉语走向了世界。随着汉语学习者数量的增加,对