Reconstruction of ancient atmospheric conditions through the analysis of precipitation patterns is a novel endeavor in the study of paleoclimate.A new approach is now available for a quantitative reconstruction of Paleogene atmospheric hydrological conditions in High Arctic.It is based on 1) the discovery of exceptionally-preserved Paleogene plant fossils from the Canadian Arctic which yielded in situ labile biomolecules;2) the development of compound -specific hydrogen isotope analysis which can be applied to small amount of plant material;and 3) taxon-specific apparent hydrogen isotope fractionation factors obtained from empirical measurement. A new moisture recycling model is established to explain the reconstructed paleohydrologic pattern in the High Arctic during Paleogene.
Reconstruction of ancient atmospheric conditions through the analysis of precipitation patterns is a novel endeavor in the study of paleoclimate. A new approach is now available for a quantitative reconstruction of Paleogene atmospheric hydrological conditions in High Arctic. It is based on 1) the discovery of exceptionally -preserved Paleogene plant fossils from the Canadian Arctic which yielded in situ labile biomolecules; 2) the development of compound-specific hydrogen isotope analysis which can be applied to small amount of plant material; and 3) taxon-specific apparent hydrogen isotope fractionation factors from empirical measurement. A new moisture recycling model is established to explain the reconstructed paleohydrologic pattern in the High Arctic during Paleogene.