正值建国35周年之际,潍坊电视台于1984年9月26日开播。5个月前,这里还是一片葱绿的青纱帐,没有路,没有电,也没有水,鸡犬之声相闻。潍坊电视台宏伟蓝图的第一步,就是从这里开始的。 当时,仅有50万元社会集资经费用于电视台的建设,而按标准筹建一座电视台,至少要600万元。在这种巨大的反差之下,我们只有靠自力更生,艰苦奋斗的精神,弥补环境和条件的不足,实现预期的任务目标。
On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Weifang Television Station started broadcasting on September 26, 1984. 5 months ago, here is a green gauze account, there is no way, no electricity, no water, the sound of chickens and dogs heard. Weifang Television grand blueprint for the first step is to start from here. At that time, only 500,000 yuan of social fund-raising for the construction of television stations, and build a television standard, at least 6 million yuan. Under such tremendous contrast, we can make up for the lack of environment and conditions and achieve the expected mission goals only through self-reliance and hard work.