造纸业淡季来临 纸品价格下滑

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本刊讯据有关报道,国际浆价回落。欧洲针叶浆基本持平,下滑幅度为1.40%,阔叶浆价格下滑0.98%。针叶浆方面,针叶浆期货市场依旧处于僵持状态。供应商试图通过减产来调节库存以此保价;中间商则无力承受目前的亏损;对终端用户而言,需求量达到年内新低,纸厂浆料采购量极少,多以消化库存为主。阔叶浆期货市场亦未有明确结果,巴西浆厂无新价发布,而买方更无心情接单,市场呈胶着状态。国际废纸价格回落。因美废期货市场交投持续低迷,大 According to the press reports, the international pulp prices down. European coniferous pulp basically flat, the decline rate of 1.40%, broad-leaved pulp prices fell 0.98%. Coniferous pulp, the conifer futures market is still in a deadlock. Suppliers try to adjust their inventories through cutbacks to insure their prices; brokers are unable to afford the current losses; and for end-users, demand reaches new lows for the year, with very little stockpile of mills, mostly digesting inventory. Broad leaf pulp futures market also did not have the definite result, the Brazilian pulp factory did not have the new price to release, but the buyer did not have the mood to accept the order, the market was stalemate. International waste paper prices fall. Due to the continued downturn in the US scrap market futures, large
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