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   As all of you know February 14th is Valentine’s Day. Love it or hate it you will not escape the fact that it is Valentine’s Day. For many guys, Valentine’s Day is a chore and for women it is a day that is highly anticipated.
   I personally feel that this day is nothing more than a“Hallmark Holiday”designed for material expression. never understood the concept of dedicating one day to show your special someone how much you care about them. Shouldn’t that be something that happens more than once a year?Perhaps even more than once a week?
   If you are a person who is married, you have the anni-versary of your wedding, and if you are in a relationship there are often memorable days such as the date you start being serious about one another or first kiss, etc.
   I have never really been one to participate in festivities of Valentine’s Day, not only for the obvious reasons(not much of a dater to say the least), but more so that I just do not believe in designating one day to show someone you love or care about them, let alone buy that person a bunch of stuff for the sake of participating in the holiday.
   I look at the day in the same manner that I do the“concept”of church or temple. Many people who are devoted to their faith dedicate one day a week to attending a building in order to show respect and worship. My personal issue with this is, if religion is something personal, why does one feel obligated to attend a service?Is it wrong to be religious and worship in private on a semi daily/weekly level alone?
   I do not want to discuss religion today, I just wanted to illustrate a contrast between what I feel are social inconsis-tencies based on past models that were set in place and taught to future generations. I believe that the“concept”of Valentine’s Day is one that is inherently good. I believe there is nothing wrong with showing a bit love more so on a dedicated day, just as the“concept”of mass group worship is inherently good as well.
   My gripe is with the material angle. I do not believe that money spent translates to love or a demonstration of affection. More so, it seems to be insulting to us all that we live in a world where we expect gifts and place a high value on material desires. Many people define their whole lives and worth by material and monetary standards. People wonder why our youth is growing up with a sense of entitlement and being addicted to aspects of life which do not matter. Money can make life easier but it should not define who we are, nor should our possessions, or lavish gifts.    I do not want to devalue the notion of giving, or doing something for someone special. Though I do feel there are more constructive ways about doing so. We do not need a“special day”to show someone intense love, we should be doing so on a regular basis.
   For all those out there who are in relationships please do something nice for your special someone not because you feel that you have to, do it because you want to. Do it because it will make you feel good to do something for them. Valentine’s Day gives us all a good excuse to do something nice and out of the ordinary, and this“not so ordinary something”does not have to be something that costs anything at all.
   This act of love should not ever be attached to a price tag. Sit down with your special someone and just enjoy a night with them. Maybe go for a long walk or drive and just look at the stars and tell that person what they mean to you. You could always write a letter or a poem to give the person. The point is, if you are in a relationship embrace the holiday for the other person. You may be totally against the holiday, like l am, but if it means something else to someone, do something out of love, isn’t that what life is all about the love?
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