中国社科院文学所马昌仪研究 员新著《古本山海经图说》近日由山 东画报出版社推出,煌煌巨著,得来 一册即爱不释手,从欣赏研读中获 得无限乐趣。 《山海经》是出现于战国至秦汉 间的一部千古奇书,它将寻常的山 川道里物产同超现实的神神怪怪糅 合在一起;虽立足于华夏大地
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Ma Chang-yi, a new researcher, “the ancient books of the sea classics” recently launched by Shandong Pictorial Publishing House, Huang Huang masterpiece, have come to a book that put it down, enjoy the fun of reading. “Shan Hai Jing” is a world-famous book that appeared in the Warring States Period to the Qin and Han dynasties. It combines the unusual properties of the mountains and rivers with the surreal gods and goddesses. Although based on the vast land of China