弹簧秤是演示超、失重现象最简便易得的实验装置。但在一般条件下,产生超、失重现象的加速过程较短,因此在超、失重瞬间,运动中的弹簧秤上示数变化不易被全体学生观察到。如果给弹簧秤装配一个简单易制的“记忆”装置,记忆下超、失重瞬间作用效果,便可提高现象的可见度。制作方法: ·取厚度约0.3毫米、面积约15×10厘米~2的铁皮(罐头盒铁皮即可)一块;直径为1毫米左右的螺杆、螺
The spring scale is the most convenient experimental device to demonstrate the phenomena of super and weightlessness. However, under normal conditions, the acceleration process that produces the phenomenon of overweight and weight loss is short. Therefore, at the instant of overweight and loss of weight, the change in the number of movements on the spring balance is not easily observed by all students. If the spring scale is equipped with a simple and easy “memory” device, the instantaneous and super-weightless effects can be memorized to improve the visibility of the phenomenon. Production method: · Take a sheet with a thickness of about 0.3mm and an area of about 15×10cm~2 (the tin box can be used as a can); a screw and screw with a diameter of about 1mm