夏格庄镇地处山东省胶东半岛中部,南邻即墨市,北依莱西市,是一个正在崛起的现代化小城镇,1994年被山东省政府确定为小城镇建设试点乡镇.全镇总面积107平方公里,54个行政村,3.2万人.夏格庄现有镇办工业企业13处、村办企业56处、“三资” 企业5处,已形成了服装(皮衣、西装)、皮鞋、地毯加工、面粉加工、机械制造、汽车修配、建筑材料、畜产品加工等8个行业,主要产品达10余种,许多种产品已打入国际市场.夏格庄地域广阔,路树成网,粮丰林茂,自然条件优越.全镇9万亩耕地,盛产玉米、花生、小麦、果品和蔬菜.1994年全镇已建起万亩高效创汇农业基地和以奶黄牛、羊、鸡、猪为主的畜牧业养殖基地.
Xiagezhuang Town is located in the middle of Jiaodong Peninsula in Shandong Province, Jimo City in the south and Laixi City in the north. It is a modern small town that is rising and was determined as a pilot township for small towns by the Shandong provincial government in 1994. The total area of the town 107 square kilometers, 54 administrative villages, 32000. Xiagezhuang existing town-run industrial enterprises 13, 56 village-run enterprises, “three-funded” enterprises 5, has formed a garment (leather, suits), shoes 8 major industries including carpets, carpet processing, flour processing, machinery manufacturing, auto repair, construction materials and livestock products processing, more than 10 main products and many kinds of products have entered the international market. , The grain abundance Linmao, natural conditions are superior. The town of 90000 mus of arable land, rich in corn, peanuts, wheat, fruits and vegetables .In 1994, the town has built million mu of high-yield foreign exchange agricultural base and dairy cattle, sheep, chickens, Pig-based husbandry breeding base.