人类从穴居野外到今天的大厦高楼,无疑是从野蛮到文明的进步,是克服了数不尽的困难而取得的伟大成就。然而在此过程当中,我们取得成绩的同时,也不断地失去许多可贵的东西,其中最凸显的,恐怕就是人和自然的和谐。 建筑师是这个艰难而伟大的征程里的先锋战士,他们像蜜蜂一样终日忙碌地营造建设,又像哲人一样在不停地思考着这营建的路子、前景和更为广阔的社会历史效果。这些手上长满茧子,头脑又精明机灵的人们不断觉察出,他们手上的茧子越厚,他们头脑里积淀的问题也越多。当农业社会手工业者和商人聚居的城镇让位给工业社会大工业生产的城市之后,他们发现都市的环境日渐恶化,甚而导致衰退。当工业社会的大都市面对后工业社会的需求时,新的矛盾又显现了,在“现代化”的城市机器里,人们按功能分
From the burrowing wilderness to the tall building of today, human beings are undoubtedly the progress from barbarism to civilization, and it is a great achievement that has overcome numerous innumerable difficulties. However, during this process, we have also lost many valuable things at the same time we achieved success. The most prominent one is probably the harmony between man and nature. Architects are the pioneers in this difficult and great journey. They are like busy bees working day and night to build. They are like philosophers thinking constantly about the way of construction, prospects and broader social and historical results. These people are covered with blind people, and those who are smart and clever are constantly aware that the thicker their hands are, the more problems they have in their minds. When the towns where agricultural social handicraftsmen and businessmen lived gave way to cities where the industrial society produced large industries, they found that the urban environment was deteriorating and even led to recession. When the metropolis of industrial society faces the needs of post-industrial society, new contradictions are revealed. In the “modern” urban machine, people are divided by function.