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为探明仓储自然醇化片烟真菌的群落多样性,采用MiSeq高通量测序技术对云南沾益、贵州长顺、福建尤溪、河南确山的上、中、下3个部位共12份自然醇化片烟样品中真菌ITS进行分析.结果表明:①12份样品共获得1155个操作分类单元(Operational taxonomic unit,OTU),真菌群落丰富度和多样性最高的样品分别是福建尤溪B2F和C3F自然醇化片烟.②12份样品的优势菌门均为子囊菌门(Ascomycota).云南沾益C3F、X2F自然醇化片烟优势菌属为茎点霉属(Phoma);河南确山B2F、C23F、X2F自然醇化片烟优势菌属为链格孢属(Alternaria);贵州长顺X23F自然醇化片烟的优势菌属为Monographella;其余6份样品的优势菌属均为曲霉属(Aspergillus).③上、中、下部叶4个产地共有的OTU个数分别为121、79、168个,共有OTU的reads数占各样品OTU总reads数的70%以上(除福建尤溪C3F外),同一部位不同产地自然醇化片烟真菌群落结构差异主要体现在优势菌属的占比方面.“,”To investigate the diversity of fungal community in tobacco strips during aging, the fungal ITS DNA in 12 samples of upper, middle and lower stalk leaves from four growing areas (Zhanyi in Yunnan, Changshun in Guizhou, Youxi in Fujian and Queshan in Henan) were sequenced by MiSeq. The results showed that: 1) A total of 1 155 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were obtained from the 12 samples. Samples B2F and C3F from Youxi had the highest fungal community richness and the most abundant biodiversity, respectively. 2) Ascomycota was the dominant phyla in the 12 samples. Phoma, Alternaria and Monographella were the dominant genera in samples C3F and X2F from Zhanyi, samples B2F, C23F and X2F from Queshan and sample X23F from Changshun. Aspergillus was the dominant genera in the other 6 samples. 3) 121, 79 and 168 of OTUs were common to the samples of upper, middle and lower stalk leaves from the 4 areas. The number of reads from the common OTUs accounted for more than 70% of the total number of reads in each sample, except for the sample C3F from Youxi. The differences in fungal community structure from the same stalk position of different areas mainly reflected in the proportion of dominant genera.
水稻细菌性条斑病于 1994年在我县部分杂交稻大田和杂交稻制种田被发现。发病的根源是由于从浙江和江西南方病区调用了病种种植引起的 ,先是零星发生 ,未引起重视 ,后逐渐扩
澳大利亚昆士兰北部 ,于 1995年开始对木瓜实蝇Bactrocerapapayae采取根除行动 ,这一根除行动历时近 4年。本文根据收集的资料及国际互联网提供的材料[1~ 5 ] ,对昆士兰北部根除木瓜实蝇行动所
1 现场检查要认真仔细rn现场检查是农业执法的关键环节.执法部门接到投诉和举报后,首先要坐下来分析案情,搞清案子的类别、性质、时间、地点、人物等基本要素,适用哪些法律法
梨火疫病菌抗链霉素菌株的地理分布以及在秋季发生的花疫以色列不同地区的病原细菌 (E .amylovora)产生了抗链霉素的菌株 ,导致应用链霉素防治梨火疫病的失败。 1994~ 1997年检测了 10 9
1 当前种子市场的新形势、新问题rn随着种业对内搞活,对外开放不断深入,种子市场出现了经营主体多元化,经营品种多乱化,经营渠道网络化的新格局,种子对农业发展的支撑作用越
温州市植检站和温州动植物检疫局在共同对本市执行仓储害虫普查时 ,发现两种检疫性害虫———灰豆象Callosobruchusphaseoli和四纹豆象Callosobruchusmaculatus。1998年 10月 7日在泰顺县医药公司中药材仓库里检查到灰豆象
1 种子标签存在的问题rn农作物种子标签是指固定在种子包装物表面及内部的特定图案及文字说明.它是种子使用者直接了解种子来源和种子质量的法律依据.(以下简称)和(以下简称)
进口花梨原木上截获的害虫及处理$文锦渡动植物检疫局@陈志麟@邓金容$文锦渡动植物检疫局 Pests Harvested from Imported Pear Logs $ Wenjindu Animal and Plant Quaranti