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三门峡、东平湖两库区移民的迁移对水库的兴建作出了巨大贡献。由于当时国家的政治、经济条件所限和其他原因,给移民遗留下了许多生产、生活等方面的问题。1987年国家开始全面处理两库区移民遗留问题,帮助、扶持库区移民发展生产,使其逐步脱贫。十年来,利用国家下达的移民经费,移民生活安置和各项基础设施建设有了很大发展,大部分移民的温饱问题基本上得到解决,库区的资源优势正在逐步转化为商品优势,经济开发已初具规模,移民的人均收入有了显著提高。目前,两库区已完成国补投资21340万元,第一期规划投资已接近尾声,而遗留问题处理工作仍可谓任重而道远。 The relocation of Sanmenxia and Dongpinghu Reservoir areas made great contribution to the construction of the reservoir. Due to the political and economic conditions of the country at that time and other reasons, many problems of production and living were left to immigrants. In 1987, the state began to comprehensively deal with the problems left over by immigrants from the two reservoirs and helped and facilitated the development of production by the immigrants in the reservoir areas so that they could gradually lift themselves out of poverty. In the past ten years, the use of the funds for resettlement issued by the state has greatly improved the resettlement of immigrants and the construction of various infrastructures. The majority of the immigrants have basically solved the problem of adequate food and clothing. The resource advantages in the reservoir area are gradually being transformed into advantages in commodities and economic development Has begun to take shape, per capita income of immigrants has increased significantly. At present, the two reservoirs have completed 213.4 million yuan of state supplementary investment. The investment in the first phase of the plan is drawing to a close and the handling of the remaining problems can still be described as a long way to go.
<正>麦冬Ophiopogon japonicus(Thund.)Ker-Gawl.为百合科沿阶草属植物,其块根为常用中药,具有清心除烦、生津止渴、润肺止咳的功效。药理研究显示有抗缺氧、抗心律失常、改善
在所有为害贮存烟草并能造成严重损失的昆虫种类中 ,烟草甲虫Lasiodermaserricorne(F .)和烟草粉螟Ephestiaelutella(H¨ubner)是原烟及加工后烟草的 2种主要害虫。收获后烟
<正> 喷码机目前几乎已成为饮料行业生产线上的必备设备,对客户而言,选择相应的技术和油墨以设计出符合自己的生产材料和生产环境的喷码解决方案,是至关重要的。而清晰高质量