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袁世凯是清末民初政坛上举足轻重的人物,他所从事过的主要活动,对清末民初的社会产生了重大影响。他既镇压过人民斗争,又帝制自为。因而,长期以来对袁世凯的研究,多侧重于辛亥革命后,他如何玩弄权术,绞杀共和,尊孔复辟,投靠列强等。近年来,学术界已开始逐渐注意袁世凯在辛亥革命前的一些活动,特别是清末新政时期的作为。然而,有关立宪运动中袁世凯的情况,仅有极少著述和论文提及。有鉴于此,本文拟就袁世凯在清末立宪运动中的活动和他参与立宪运动的主观原因,作一尝试性的探讨,力图较为客观地研究袁世凯在清末这一重要政治运动中所起的作用。 Yuan Shikai was the pivotal figure in the political arena at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. The major activities he had conducted had a significant impact on the society in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republican China. He suppressed both the people’s struggle and the monarchy themselves. Therefore, the research on Yuan Shikai has long focused on how he played the right tactics, strangulated the republic, rescued the resurgence of the Confucian classics, cast his respects on the powers, etc. after the Revolution of 1911. In recent years, academia has begun to pay attention gradually to the activities of Yuan Shikai before the 1911 Revolution, especially during the late Qing New Deal. However, there are only a few writings and essays mentioned about Yuan Shikai in the constitutional movement. In view of this, this paper attempts to make a tentative discussion on Yuan Shikai’s activities in the constitutional movement in the late Qing Dynasty and his subjective reasons for participating in the constitutional movement, and tries to study objectively the role played by Yuan Shikai in this important political movement in the late Qing Dynasty.