1 铜矿渣烧失量为什么是负值?进行化学分析时应注意什么问题? 答:铜矿渣系冶炼粗铜时排出的工业废渣,以黄铜矿为例,其成渣过程化学反应可表示如下: 其主要成分系铁橄榄石,铁的氧化物主要以FeO形式存在,其含量可达35%~40%,在灼烧过程中FeO被氧化成Fe_2O_3: 2FeO+2O_2=2Fe_2O_3 由于从FeO被氧化成Fe2O_3而增氧变重,故其
1 What is the loss of copper slag loss? Chemical analysis should pay attention to what the problem? A: copper slag smelting blister copper industrial waste discharged to chalcopyrite, for example, the process of slag chemical reaction can be As follows: The main components of fayalite, iron oxide mainly in the form of FeO, its content of up to 35% to 40%, during the oxidation of FeO is oxidized to Fe2O3: 2FeO + 2O2 = 2Fe2O3 due to FeO Oxidized into Fe2O3 and oxygen become heavier, so it