加拿大披碱草与野大麦 2个四倍体多年生禾草杂交产生的属间杂种F1为三倍体 (2n =3x =2 1) ,丢失了与亲本染色体基数相同的 7条染色体。为查明该杂种F1的染色体构成 ,应用基因组分子原位杂交方法 ,将父本(♂ )野大麦基因组 (H1H1H2 H2 )DNA用荧光生物素标记作为探针 ,以母本 (♀ )加拿大披碱草基因组 (SSHCHC)DNA作为封组 ,对杂种F1根尖细胞有丝分裂中期的染色体DNA进行原位杂交。结果表明 :三倍体杂种F12 1条染色体中 ,有 14条出现偏黄色荧光信号 ,来自父本 (♂ )野大麦H1H2 基因组有 7条出现橙红色荧光信号 ,来自母本 (♀ )加拿大披碱草S基因组、加拿大披碱草HC 基因组的 7条染色体丢失。
Interspecific F1 hybrid between Canadian Elymus and two tetraploid perennials of barley was triploid (2n = 3x = 21), and seven chromosomes with the same base number as their parents were lost. In order to find out the chromosome structure of this hybrid F1, genomic in situ hybridization was used to probe the genomic DNA of the wild barley (♂) wild barley (H1H1H2 H2) with a fluorescent biotin-labeled probe. The maternal (♀) (SSHCHC) DNA was used as the seal set to in situ hybridize the chromosomal DNA of metaphase of root tip cells of hybrid F1. The results showed that 14 of the triploid hybrid F12 chromosomes showed a yellow fluorescence signal, 7 of the wild-type H1H2 genomes from the male ♂ had orange-red fluorescence signal, Grass S genome, Canadian Elymus HC genome of the seven chromosomes are missing.