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7月19日,美国国防部炮制的2005年度《中华人民共和国军事力量报告》终于出炉。尽管白宫多次下令修改,协调口径,但这份长达45页、发表日期多次延迟的报告仍大肆制造和渲染中国正常的军事发展“对地区乃至美国构成了威胁”的论调,再次以冷战思维和强权逻辑的面目展示在世人面前。自2000年以来,美国国防部就开始就中国的军事力量向国会提出所谓年度报告。综观五角大楼历年的中国军力报告,人们不难发现,“中国威胁论”是贯穿其中的一根主线,2005年的报告也未能脱此窠臼。五角大楼在该报告中,再次对中国的军费预算横加指责,老调重弹、夸大其词、危言耸听,妄言中国的实际军费开支是中国所公布数额的2~3倍,2005年可能高达900亿美元;甚至断言中国实际军费开支已跃居亚洲第一、世界第三。报告还荒唐地声称,中国如今并没有面临来自另一个国家的直接威胁,然而却继续投入巨资加强军力。令人不可思议的是,在不断恶意攻击中国的同时,美国作为世界上军费开支最高的国家,多少年来一直追加军费。全球军事研究权威机构——斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所发表的2005年年鉴显示,美国2004年的军费开支高达4550亿美元,占全球军费总开支的47%。6月在布鲁塞尔举行的北约国 On July 19, 2005, the “Report of the People’s Republic of China on Military Forces” concocted by the U.S. Department of Defense was finally released. Although the White House has repeatedly ordered changes and co-ordination, the 45-page report with many delays in its publication still rages and exaggerates the argument that China’s normal military development “poses a threat to the region and even the United States.” Once again, The face of thinking and power logic is displayed in the world. Since 2000, the U.S. Defense Department has started to file its so-called annual report to the National Assembly on China’s military strength. Looking at the report on the Chinese military in the Pentagon’s calendar years, one can easily find out that the “China threat theory” is the main thread running through it. The 2005 report failed to shed its light on this. In the report, the Pentagon once again blames China’s military spending budget. With its old-fashioned tone of rebounding, it exaggerates its exaggeration. It exaggerates that the actual expenditure on military expenditures in China is two to three times as large as that promulgated by China and may reach as high as 90 billion U.S. dollars in 2005. Even the assertion China’s actual military spending has leapt to the top of Asia and the third in the world. The report also absurdly claims that China is now facing no direct threat from another country, but continues to invest heavily to increase its military power. Incredibly, while continuously attacking China maliciously, the United States, as the country with the highest military spending in the world, has been increasing military expenditures for many years. The 2005 Almanac published by the Stockholm Institute of International Peace, the global authority on military research, shows that the United States spent as much as 455 billion U.S. dollars in 2004 on military expenditures, accounting for 47% of the total global military spending. NATO country to be held in Brussels in June
军队干部转业地方工作制度,由一系列政策规定、工作要求和办事程序构成,内容很多,概括起来,主要有以下几个方面: (一)有计划地安排军队干部退出现役到地方工作。我军是执行政治任
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越南加紧在南中国海进逼。一方面,大力发展海军;另一方面,抢占相关的岛屿和油气资源。越南一直奉行北防南攻的军事战略,后来调整为 Vietnam stepped up its pressure on the