笔者对台湾钓法十分欣赏,但因调漂复杂十分反感,一度曾放弃了台湾钓法。但我发现,使用台湾钓法时,不论上荤饵还是糊饵,总是悬钩上的鱼多。 是不是悬钩的饵吃起来更方便呢?传统钓法在钓鲫鱼时,钓钩一般为卧钩、斜钩或立钩形式,接触水底是它们共同的特点,因鲫鱼鱼体高,鲫鱼摄取饵料时就必须头下尾上,与水底呈45度左右的夹角,吞饵后抬头、正体,此时鱼嘴就要承受钩饵的全部重量甚至铅坠的一小部分重量,这往往使鲫鱼受惊弃钩。
I very much appreciate the fishing method of Taiwan, but due to complex drift is very offensive, once abandoned the fishing method in Taiwan. However, I found that when using the method of fishing in Taiwan, there is always a lot of fish hanging on the bait or the bait. It is more convenient to eat bait bait? Traditional fishing method in the carp fishing, the hook is generally lying hook, oblique hook or standing hook form, contact with the bottom is their common characteristics, because the carp fish body, carp intake bait It must be head and tail, and the bottom of the water was about 45 degrees angle, after swallowing the rise of the body, body, at this time the hook should bear the full weight of the hook bait or even a small part of the weight of lead, which often make the carp frightened hook.