Intraperitoneal dedifferentiated liposarcoma:A case report

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangjun3812
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Dedifferentiated liposarcoma is a variant of liposarcoma with a more aggressive course. Mutations of the p53 gene have been found in different types of soft tissue sarcoma. It is generally accepted that p53 mutations in human malignant tumors are often related to a poor prognosis. In our case, analysis of p53 gene mutation in tumor samples was performed. p53 gene mutation was observed in dedifferentiated tumor tissue samples but not in well-differentiated tumor tissue samples. It has been reported that p53 gene mutation occurs most commonly in the retroperitoneum and rarely in other anatomic locations. Herein we report a case of dedifferentiated liposarcoma located at intraperitoneum. Mutifferentiated liposarcoma with a more aggressive course. Mutations of the p53 gene have been found in different types of soft tissue sarcoma. It is generally accepted that p53 mutations in human malignant tumors are often related to a poor prognosis. case, analysis of p53 gene mutation in tumor samples was performed. p53 has been found in dedifferentiated tumor tissue samples but not in well-differentiated tumor tissue samples. It has been reported that p53 gene mutation occurs most commonly in the retroperitoneum and rarely in other anatomic locations. Herein we report a case of dedifferentiated liposarcoma located at intraperitoneum.
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恭维语是一种语言交际用语,恰当的恭维可以获得对方的好感,使交际顺利,创造和谐的人际关系。本文分析因性别、年龄、文化等不同造成的英汉恭维语及回应语的言语行为差别。  牛津日常语言哲学家Austin提出了言语行为理论,言语行为的研究主要集中在研究交际者执行某一特定言语行为的条件、认知状态和推理机制。语用学家和哲学家主要研究英语恭维回应语(Pomerantz 1978;Holmes 1988;Herbe
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