弓浆虫病为人畜共患自然疫溉性疾病,以往报导较少,我们遇一例简报如下。 患儿,男,10岁,赣州市人。因发热,头痛、咽痛6天,近日水样腹泻数次入院。平素健康,有在门前屋后池塘玩水捕鱼史。入院后体检:神清,气平,营养欠佳,发育中等。皮肤、巩膜无黄染,浅在淋巴结无明显肿大、颈软,咽充血,心肺未发现异常。腹平软,肝肋下3cm,
Toxoplasma gonorrhoeae is a natural zoonotic disease of zoonosis, less reported in the past, we encounter a case briefing as follows. Children, male, 10 years old, Ganzhou city. Due to fever, headache, sore throat for 6 days, the recent water samples of diarrhea several admission. Usually healthy, have a pond in front of the water play history. After admission medical examination: God clear, flat, poor nutrition, medium development. Skin, sclera no yellow dye, no obvious swelling in the lymph nodes, soft neck, pharyngeal congestion, no abnormal heart and lung. Abdomen soft, liver ribs 3cm,