
来源 :山东教育(幼教刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hello_junz
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在一堂水墨画课上,我班的孩子们“发明”了水泼墨画,并深深地爱上了它。记得当时全班幼儿都在津津有味地描绘着自己的作品,教室里鸦雀无声。突然,哇的一声,小明哭了起来,原来,邻桌的小朋友不小心将墨汁打翻在他的纸上,小明精心描绘的作品顿时变成一摊墨迹。我走过去,一边帮他拭 In an ink painting lesson, the children of my class “invented” the ink-jet painting and fell in love with it deeply. I remember when the whole class of children were relishing their work, the classroom silent. Suddenly, wow, Xiao Ming cried, the original table next to the children accidentally spilled ink on his paper, Xiao Ming carefully portrayed the work suddenly became a share of ink. I walked over to help him wipe