洛美专电 1990年新年伊始,多哥政府就大力推动洛美港工业自由区计划。来访者中,只要是实业家或与自由区沾上一点边的人,多哥当局都要向他们宣传自由区,欢迎他们来投资。多哥计划兼矿业部长巴凯和主管自由区建设的工业兼国营企业部部长琼多等人走访了亚洲、北美和西欧的许多国家和地区,一边取经,一边请各路财神到自由区来投资。5月份举行的执政党多哥人民联盟第七次全国会议,就自由区建设通过正式决议,高度赞扬埃亚德马总统的这一决策,并要求有关方面为外商前来投资创造条件。 建自由区的计划是1989年8月提出来的。这是埃亚德马继1977年提出“绿色革命”,使多哥初步实现
Lomé Special Forces At the beginning of the new year 1990, the Togolese government vigorously promoted the Lomé Free Trade Zone project. As long as they belong to industrialists or those who are a little bit closer to the free zone, Togolese authorities should publicize the free zone to them and welcome them to invest. Togo, Minister of Planning and Mines, Barkay and Minister of Industry and State-owned Enterprise, Ministry of Commerce and Industry in the Free Zone, visited many countries and regions in Asia, North America and Western Europe and asked all the way to invest in the free zone . The seventh national meeting of the Togolese People’s Alliance, the ruling party held in May, passed an official resolution on the construction of a free zone. He highly praised President Eyadema’s decision and demanded that the parties concerned create the conditions for foreign investors to invest. The plan to build a free zone was proposed in August 1989. This is the first ecumenical achievement that Togo made since Eyadema proposed the “Green Revolution” in 1977