【摘 要】
The 5th Russian_Chinese Workshop on Biophotonics and Biomedical Optics was hosted in Saratov, Russia on 26_28, September, 2012. The bilateral Workshop brought together both Russian and Chinese scientists, engineers and clinical researchers from a variety
【机 构】
【出 处】
The 5th Russian_Chinese Workshop on Biophotonics and Biomedical Optics was hosted in Saratov, Russia on 26_28, September, 2012. The bilateral Workshop brought together both Russian and Chinese scientists, engineers and clinical researchers from a variety of disciplines engaged in applying optical science, photonics and imaging technologies to problems in biology and medicine. During the Workshop, 2 plenary lectures, 11 invited presentations, 4 oral presentations and 13 poster reports were presented. A special Internet session with 5 presentations—1 plenary, 2 invited, and 2 posters, was also organized. This special issue selects some papers from the attendees, and is made up of 12 original research articles and one review. Seven articles have been presented in Vol. 6, No. 1 of JIOHS; this issue presents the remaining six articles.
在多色空间完全相干光经过环形光阑衍射后远场处光谱变化的基础上进一步研究近场处的光谱行为, 并给出了详细的数值计算结果和具体实例。研究表明, 在一般情况下近场光谱与源光谱有所不同, 近场光谱与源光谱和光谱变换因子成正比, 而光谱变换因子则取决于中心拦截比ε和观察点到光阑的距离z以及观察点到z轴的距离r, 并且随着中心拦截比的增大近场光谱性质逐渐表现出远场光谱的特性。数值计算结果表明, 同远场一样重要的光谱变化发生在衍射光强为零的点附近, 即奇点一侧光谱发生红移, 奇点另一侧光谱发生蓝移, 而在奇点处光谱则发
鉴于Newton-Raphson(N-R)迭代法的数字图像相关方法(DIC)对初值敏感等问题,提出了一种使用SURF(speeded up robust features)特征匹配的数字图像相关方法。SURF算法能匹配出变形前后图像的特征点对,并获得点对的坐标值,使用与匹配点对所在的子区相对应的仿射变换来初始估计子区的变形参数,获得兴趣点的估计值。根据估算的初值进行迭代优化,得到使归一化最小平方距
A three-wavelength lidar system is set up. The backscatter signals of 355, 532, and 1 064 nm are measured simultaneously to derive the optical depth, lidar ratio, and backscatter color ratio of cirrus clouds, respectively. The lidar configuration and the