目的探讨交通事故所致颅脑损伤伤者的智能和记忆损害及相关因素。方法 统计分析成都市1999年1月1日至2001年12月31日间因交通事故造成颅脑损伤的652例伤者的心理测验、脑电图及脑影像学资料。结果研究组平均智商为77.85±15.97,27.9%的伤者智商低于70;51.9%的记忆商低于51。智力损害与文化程度、左颞叶损伤、≥3个脑叶损伤以及脑电图异常明显相关;记忆损害与文化程度、损伤和鉴定检查的间隔时间、脑于损伤、左颞叶损伤、脑电图异常明显相关。结论交通事故造成颅脑损伤的伤者多有不同程度的智力和记忆损害,且与左颞叶损伤、脑电图异常、文化程度、脑干损伤等因素有关。
Objective To investigate the intelligence and memory impairment and related factors of traumatic brain injury caused by traffic accidents. Methods A total of 652 cases of traumatic brain injury caused by traffic accident in Chengdu from January 1, 1999 to December 31, 2001 were analyzed by means of psychological tests, EEG and brain imaging. Results The average IQ of the study group was 77.85 ± 15.97, with 27.9% of the injured IQs less than 70; 51.9% of the memory was less than 51%. There was a significant correlation between mental damage and educational level, left temporal lobe injury, ≥3 lobes and abnormal electroencephalogram (EEG). There was significant correlation between memory impairment and educational level, interval between injury and identification test, brain injury, left temporal lobe injury, Figure abnormalities significantly related. Conclusion Injuries of traumatic brain injury caused by traffic accident have more intelligence and memory impairment than those of left temporal lobe injury, EEG abnormality, education level and brainstem injury.