编者按不宁腿综合征(restless legs syndrome,RLS)是临床常见的感觉运动障碍性疾病,病因和发病机制未明,临床分为特发性和症状性两类。国外的流行病学研究显示,RLS为高发病率,我国尚无发病率数据。临床表现为小腿不适感、感觉异常和活动小腿的强烈愿望等特殊症状,本应对诊断有提示性,但国内诊断率较低,原因有待探讨。
Editor’s restless legs syndrome (restless legs syndrome, RLS) is a common clinical sensory dyskinesia, etiology and pathogenesis is unknown, the clinical is divided into two categories of idiopathic and symptomatic. Epidemiological studies abroad show that RLS is a high incidence of morbidity data in our country. Clinical manifestations of leg discomfort, sensory abnormalities and activities such as the strong desire of the lower leg, the response to the diagnosis of a prompt, but the domestic diagnosis rate is low, the reasons remain to be explored.