
来源 :中国妇运 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:6ri
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一、指导思想按照中国妇女九大和省妇女十一大要求,坚持用科学发展观统筹指导我省城乡妇女工作,把提高城乡妇女素质和科技致富、就业创业能力作为出发点和根本目标,实施项目化运作的方式,通过建立一批示范性培训学校,加强城乡妇女的学习培训,进一步深化、实化城乡妇女工作,使城 I. Guiding Ideology According to the requirements of the 9th National Congress of the Chinese Women and the 11th Provincial Women’s General Conference, we insist on using the scientific development concept to guide and guide the work of women in urban and rural areas in our province. We should improve the quality of urban and rural women, enrich the industry and science and technology, employ and start their own business as the starting point and the fundamental goal and implement the project Mode of operation, through the establishment of a number of demonstration training schools to strengthen the study and training of urban and rural women, to further deepen and actualize the urban and rural women’s work, so that the city
2月23日 晴  今天,妈妈不在家。姐姐手舞足蹈地对我说:“哈哈,今天我终于能露一手了,涛涛,你有口福了!”我小声嘀咕道:“口福?你会做饭吗?能吃吗?”姐姐没有理会我,走向厨房开始她人生中的第一次做鱼。我把电视关掉,偷偷地跟在后面看她如何做。  只见姐姐从盆里捞出一条妈妈事先料理好了的鲢鱼,放在砧板上,抄起菜刀,想把鱼分成几块,可一刀下去,鱼肉还连在一起。姐姐见状,把刀再次举起,咬紧牙关狠命一剁,