据《中文核心期刊要目总揽》2 0 0 0年版统计结果 ,我国现有农业工程类科技期刊 82种 ,其中中文核心刊 1 2种 ,《农业工程学报》在 1 2种农业工程类中文核心期刊中位居榜首。农业工程类排名前三位的期刊依次是 :《农业工程学报》、《农业机械学报》、《农村水利水电技术》。《
According to the statistical results of the 2000 edition of the “Chinese Core Journals”, there are 82 kinds of agricultural engineering sci-tech journals in China, of which there are 12 kinds of Chinese core journals and 12 kinds of agricultural engineering journals in the Chinese core of agricultural engineering Journal topped the list. Agricultural Engineering ranked the top three journals are: “Journal of Agricultural Engineering”, “Journal of Agricultural Mechanization”, “rural water conservancy and hydropower technology.” "